How to make a kamias preserve a.k.a Burong Kamias?

Select big mature and firm kamias. Trim and soak in lime water (one teaspoonful line to one liter water) overnight.
Wash and boil in a copper pot or kettle with enough water to cover until the natural color of the fruits sets in.
Remove from fire and soak in cold water for 2 hours.
Drain and press each kamias lightly.
Prepare syrup (2 parts sugar and one part water)
For every sour fruit, the syrup should be very thick.
Boil kamias for 30 minutes.
Drain and pack in jars.

Strain the syrup and pour to fill jars.
Remove air bubbles and refill with syrup.

Half-seal and sterilized jars for 25 minutes in boiling water. Seal completely.

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