How to make guyabano juice?

Wash fruit in diluted detergent solution (½  tsp. Tide or Breeze in 1 liter water).
Rinse thoroughly in tap water.
Peel off skin, halve and core.
Cut seedy pulp into 5-cm. cubes.
For every liter of pulp add 1 cup water and heat to near boiling for 5 minutes.
Extract juice twice through a clean muslin jelly bag.
Return from the bag to a saucepan.
Combine the two extractions.

Add 1 cup sugar and  1 tsp. citric acid for every litter of the juice.

Boil juice while stirring, then pour hot into sterilized bottles, jars, or into cans to within ½  cm. from the top.

For juice in cans, exhaust at a temperature not lower than 77°C.  Seal  immediately, Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Cool, label, date and store.

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